Susan Dory Navalta Guiang, the contributor, studied business at New Era University and worked at Myservice and Support Corporation as Marketing Manager.

OREGANO IS A GREAT HERBAL MEDICINE and food flavoring. It is easy to plant and does not require many efforts but provides many benefits. Oregano grow very well in Greece because of the good soil it has which really suits the oregano. Interior gardening for Oregano can be done also. It can grow even in house pots with just its stem and leaves. The leaves of the Oregano can be trim daily and it will continuously grow and produce more as long as you do not cut its roots.

There are quite plenty of variants of oregano that chefs all over the world uses. Some of them are Cretan oregano, Syrian oregano, Greek oregano and Italian oregano. In Greece, fresh oregano is use often as ingredient in salad to modify scent to the culinary. The Italian oregano is used in pizzas, food, lasagna and different noodle dishes together with flavoring and oil, the sauce can be stewed also with herb. And more explicit benefit that oregano can give is a herbal medicine that relieves symptom and can improve you digestion.

If you are finding difficulty in buying oregano from farms, supermarket and grocery stores ordinarily provide you desiccated oregano in spice jar but some are not very pure. And if you are using invigorated oregano, do not worry about the quantity because it is three times stronger than that of the dehydrated oregano. Oregano is commonly sold in flavor racks in market  because  storing them is pretty casual.

Oregano as a Herbal Medicine
Medically speaking, this herbal medicine lowers your blood pressure and prevents  coagulation of blood vessels and arteries. This herb when concocted into a tea, it becomes a healing herbs that cures dyspepsia, urinary grounds problems, bronchitis, symptom diarrhea and headaches. The scent of oregano revives consciousness and when freshly picked can really improve expulsion and sickness. That is why oregano is recorded among the unsurpassed healing herbs in the history. But you should be aware also of the negative effects in using oregano because it can boost menstruation discharge so the women should avoid using oregano when conceiving.

It is believed that the Grecian goddess Cytherea invented oregano and surrendered to man to offer variety to their foods. But when the Roman Catholic Empire conquered Greece, the herb became more general and they also disclosed its healing properties as a herbal medicine. The news about the power of oregano as a herbal medicine spread throughout the Continent via the trades of transaction routes. In the early centuries however,the herbal medicine only became famous only after the the World War I.

Oregano herb is not only a herbal medicine but is also a very good ingredient in producing soaps, lotions and  perfume. Many people think that the main uses of oregano are as food ingredient but the truth is, the most constituent share of this herb is in terms of preparation as an edible and healing herb. It can heal many illnesses, oregano can improve many dishes with its soothing scent, and a very nice part of your garden. Oregano's benefits are truly numerous and unlimited. Really, oregano is a wonderful herb that you should get in your house to take advantage of its healing power as an alternative herbal medicine.

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OREGANO IS A GREAT HERBAL MEDICINE Oregano is a heaLth medicine ! it can be a good health in our body !

I love looking at your site. OREGANO IS A GREAT HERBAL MEDICINE and food flavoring.OREGANO is a gOod medicine in our BODY !

Do All Kinds Of PLants Can Be A Medicine ?

Don't Like Oregano Health Effects when it is being Drunk ?

Don't like oregano health effects when it is being drunk ?

Does this have a bad effect on health oregano when it is being drunk?

<p> what is the most constituent share of oregano in terms of preparation as an healing herb?</p>

what are the negative effects of oregano as a herbal medicine?

What are the negative effects of oregano as a herbal medicine?

I agree That Oregano Leaves Can Heal Some ailments or diseases know why ? i tests it already and it heals my disease cough :)

Is OreganoLeaves , can heal or prevent some dangerous ailments .. for example cancer .. ? but must take it lifetime .. answer please .. !!

Is OreganoLeaves , can heal or prevent some dangerous ailments .. for example cancer .. ? but must take it lifetime .. answer please .. !!

It cures dyspepsia, urinary grounds problems, bronchitis etc.

oregano is really wonderful to our life because of its different uses like decorating in our home,to heal some illnesses and we can use it in preparing our food. question:how is the oregano help us in our life?how it is important?

how is oregano help us in our life?how it is important?

it cures dyspepsia, urinary ground problems and bronchitis.

It cures headaches.

Mild side effects include stomach upset. Oregano might also cause an allergic reaction in people who have an allergy to plants in the Lamiaceae family.

Oil of oregano, cumin and sage are particularly strong, and will burn the skin and tender mouth tissues if dabbed undiluted on the body or taken directly

Oregano Side Effects: Oregano is a highly active oil that can be a strong skin irritant - use with care. Avoid in pregnancy Does oil of oregano have any hazardous, unwanted effects? Natural does not mean safe. There are some reports of gastrointestinal upset with oil of oregano. There are also reports of allergic reactions. There is no evidence to suggest that oil of oregano, used at high (medicinal) amounts, may be used safely in pregnant or breast feeding women. However, when used in cooking, and as part of a regular diet, there is also no evidence that causes harm in pregnancy or breastfeeding. Animal studies show that if you give enough carvacrol, it will kill, though. This oil has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties because of the potent substances it contains. Thymol is one of the active ingredients of oregano oil and it has the potential of being toxic at high doses. This essential oil can be useful in many ways, as long as it is properly used. It contains very active chemicals that can kill bacteria, fungus and parasites. Oil of oregano is a natural organic product therefore our bodies should be able to process it easily. However, its anti-microbial properties can work against you if you take it improperly. The presence of active agents that can kill pathogens should be a clue to us that we should handle it carefully, not carelessly. oil of oregano Side Effects Of Oregano Oil It is true that oregano oil is a very valuable substance that can be effectively used as an alternative medicine. But we need to understand that it also has some negative side effects. Here then are some of the adverse side effects of oil of oregano that you need to be aware of and how you can mitigate them. 1) Burning sensation – when directly applied to the skin, you will feel a burning sensation especially when it is applied in the genital area and in your mucous membranes. You can avoid this by diluting oreganol with olive oil or coconut oil. 2) Warm tingling sensation in the mouth when taken orally – the typical oral dosage is 2 to 4 drops of oregano oil. If this happens, just take the minimum dosage. 3) Upset stomach – if the oil is not properly diluted, you will suffer stomach troubles. Instead of using 100% oreganol, dilute it with virgin olive oil or coconut oil. There is also oregano oil mixed with other edible oils that you can buy. You can also take oil of oregano capsules if you encounter this problem. 4) Allergies – if you are allergic to thyme, marjoram, oregano or similar plants, you need to avoid oregano oil. 5) Oil of oregano may inhibit the absorption of iron – therefore if you are taking iron supplements, seek the advice of your doctor before taking oil of oregano. 6) You can experience vomiting if you take it internally. 7) It may also cause rashes on your skin if taken internally. - See more at: http://www.oiloforegano.co/oil-of-oregano-side-effects.html#sthash.W3AjQoHC.dpuf

Upset stomach – if the oil is not properly diluted, you will suffer stomach troubles. Instead of using 100% oreganol, dilute it with virgin olive oil or coconut oil. There is also oregano oil mixed with other edible oils that you can buy. You can also take oil of oregano capsules if you encounter this problem.

Because it can boost menstruation discharge to the woman should avoid using oregano when conceiving. So I think the woman who had menstruation are not advisable to use this kind of herbal medicine.

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